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Mareike Kapp-Schütz

Website & Graphic Designer

Content Manager

Social Media Support



Mareike loves to support making the fullness and the richness everyone has to offer visible and therefore accessable. Each of us has there personal strengths and qualities we most likely are blind for as the focus is often directed to the so called 'not' instead of all that already is. Loving structure and order in its simplicity Mareike works with precision for your business keeping an eye on everything whilst bringing the big picture out into the light.



When hiring Mareike she won't just focus on the website alone but getting to know you – as the whole of you makes the whole of the business that wants to be represented in its integrity.



Having a background in different areas within the entertainment industry over the last 14 years, working on stage and behind the stage as well as experience gained in other industries such as aviation and media informatics, Mareike has a huge understanding for the variety of expressions and can support your business website as well with video and audio material if needed.

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Stefanie König

Design artist

Königswege Design


Jonathan Baldwin

Digital marketing & wordpress specialist

Evolving Media

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Contact us for your next appointment.

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